Travelers Guide To The Firearm Laws
Part #: 2992
Contains information about the firearm laws of all 50 states, Canada, Mexico and how to prepare, carry, and transport your weapons during local, intrastate, and interstate travel. Includes state by state breakdown of firearms ownership, semi-auto gun ownership, machine gun ownership, castle doctrine, right to protect, open carry, concealed carry, permit reciprocity, shall issue, loaded vs. unloaded, interstate transport restrictions, traffic stops, universal restricted areas, motorcycle issues, commercial trucker regulations, motorhome and RV issues, public transportation carry laws, and preemptive local laws--plus much more valuable information. Common Questions: Which states: allow me to carry a "loaded" firearm in my vehicle, allow me to carry a concealed firearm with or without a license to carry, honor my permit to carry a concealed firearm, allow carry in restaurants serving alcohol, laws allow open carry of a firearm while on foot, prohibit the mere possession of a handgun while in a vehicle, prevent localities from regulating firearms carry, require permittees to declare their status to Law Enforcement, allow me to carry a firearm in their state parks, guarantee my right to self-defense in their statutes, allow vehicle carry on university and college campuses, allow vehicle carry on k-12 school grounds, allow weapons other than handguns to be carried under the authority of a permit? How can I: legally possess firearms in National Parks and Forests, transport firearms on commercial airline, cruise ships & trains, transport firearms through a state that prohibits any gun possession. How do I: carry a firearm if I am an active duty or retired law enforcement officer, carry a handgun on a motorcycle? What are the rules for: gun possession in hotels, ammunition possession in each state? In which states is it: better to carry a rifle or shotgun for personal protection? "STAY ON THE ROAD AND OUT OF JAIL!!"